Title explaination here.
Recent phone conversation with my husband.
Nate: Are you serious right now?
Me: Um, Never. Doing?
Nate: You know what I'm doing, I'm upstairs.
Me: Ok fine. I'll play your game, semantics police. What are you watching.
Nate: The Hobbit. This is ridiculous. We are in the same house.
Me: Come down here and hang out with me!
Nate: Again, no thanks. I told you I'm not watching a documentary on Jeffery Dahmer. I don't care if it was at SXSW, it's weird.
Me: Oh that's already over. And it.was.AWESOME.
Nate: Awesome? I'm sure his victims would beg to differ.
Me: Whatever. Now I'm watching this show about a lady who killed her husband with horse tranquilizers and then burried him in the desert.
Nate: I'm actually afraid to grow old with you.
Me: I don't know why. You'd never see it coming.
And then he hung up on me...?
Stop it now. You guys have achieved a level or relationship awesome that most of us only dream about. PS I'm probably going to look into tapping your phone lines and recording all your hubs/wife conversations purely for my own entertainment. LOVE!