So I recently joined
twitter-verse to see what all the hype was about. At first, I really didn't get it. It was kind of like old facebook (like back when only college kids had access and it actually took work to cyber creep on poeple) but with a bunch of # and @ and other shit that just left me confused. Whatevs. I figured I drank the kool-aid like everyone else so that was good enough.
But then Mark Zuckerberg either A. lost a bet in the worst way or B. got dog-face wasted and decided to dick around with my life and royally screw up my stalker feed...and like everyone else in the universe, I was annoyed. So, I revolted and decided I'd figure out this Twitter thing once and for all. You know, because what I do on the internet obviously directly effects the world's youngest billionaire...or not? Just let me.
All that being said, I went on a following spree and decided to see what all my favorite celeb friends were up to. I found out a few things. 1. People will practially offer up their first born child to try and get retweeted by The Situation. 2. E! News gets the majority of their information from Twitter and 3. I never need to buy another People magazine.
So I finally start to get the hang of this tweeting deal. I got my brother in law Jas to sign up and we get a pretty big kick out of talking trash to each other all day while we are at "work". Don't tell anyone.
Fast forward to a few nights ago. If you read
this then you know that the hubs and I REALLY enjoy laughing. So, after a pretty crappy day, we fired up the DVR and started watching stand-up comedy because it's like an instant cure to any problem. We were watching
Kevin Hart and practically peeing our pants, so I figured I'd mention him in a know, because I was feeling pretty confident in my tweeting abilities. I wasn't looking for anything out of it, just wanted to be like all the cool kids...or something like that.
Y'all he "retweeted" me like 5 seconds later. I figured celebrities only did that kind of thing for people that
asked begged for it, so I was genuinely pumped that it happened. I never got into boy bands or any of that crap when I was a tween so this was like the closest thing to "bieber fever" I'd ever experienced....and I was stoked! Whatever, don't judge me.
Here's the thing I wasn't prepared for...literally 5 minutes later my phone was blowing up with people mentioning/adding/following me. I had all of 12 people interested in my tweets before this and within the hour I had 70 new randoms creeping on my twitter (that sounds dirty...baha). They were trying to jump on my twitter "fame" and it was SO bizarre. I had some guy call me a "snow bunny"....what the what? I don't even know what that means.
Here's what I do know: my future kids are never getting on the internet. And I'm not @menitoning anyone I don't know in real life ever again. This is why I'll never actually
be famous. Because the idea of random people caring that much about what's going on in my life scares the absolute shit out of me. If I do ever end up finishing/publishing a book, I'm now seriously considering a pen name. Over dramatic much? You betcha.
In other news, this little bloggity of mine was featured on "For the Love of Blogs" yesterday! You can check it out

Please excuse my gross jumbled word typo at the
should say "I'm a 24 year old middle school teacher turned toilet salesman" but other than that I'm pretty proud of it. Also, just wanted to say hello to my new bloggity friends/followers! Y'all made my day with your sweet comments and I've loved checking out all of your blogs! Yay for networking :) Hope everyone has a fab Tuesday!