Friday, November 18, 2011

A Lesson in Punctuation

It's time for me to shamelessly air some embarrassing dirty laundry for y'all. Please feel free to laugh your butts off at my expense...because I definitely did. Yesterday I was shopping around for a Tickle Me Elmo for Roman (the littlest LOML). He and I share an undying love for the furry little red monster, and I'm gonna get killer Ya-Ya points for this gift, I'm sure. Anyway, I'm browsing Target's website and I come across this:

He has this caption underneath..."Sesame Street Talking Elmo". Now, because I was in a rush, AND because my web browser is wonky, I read it like this:

Street Talking Elmo

The conclusion I immediately jumped to was that our society as a whole is going to hell in a handbasket because OBVIOUSLY "Street Talking Elmo" was an all time LOW, even for us. I was so amped up about it that I just had to show Nate as soon as I got home. Luckily, he quickly made me realize that, no, there is NOT a "street talking Elmo" and also, that Target should put some hip punctuation in their description so mistakes like this don't happen.

Sesame Street - Talking Elmo.

See how easy that was? Yes, I'm a moron, but I did have a pretty awesome day imagining the things Street Talking Elmo would say...which then had me THIS close to ordering that Elmo and bringing him out at parties as a conversation piece. Good thing I didn't...I don't know if I would ever have gotten over the disappointment.

Word up to my homies.



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