Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Forever: For Father's Day

For those of you who don't know, my job as toilet salesman extraordinaire is "the family business". This means I get the pleasure of working alongside my dad, and uncle at the business that my RaRa (Grandfather) created. During the week I'm here more than I'm at home. I've been in and out of my dad's office probably 15 times today already. But aparently I'm oblivious because I've been overlooking a piece of paper he has tucked away in a corner of his credenza. Today I saw it...and in honor of Father's Day I want to share it with whoever happens to stumble across this blog. This is an email I sent my dad back in 2008, that, unbeknownst to me, he printed and has been keepnig on his desk all this time. The words I wrote then, ring more true today than ever before; and I want the whole world to know.

Hey Pals,
I'm just sitting here at work, tired as a dog...I'm sure you can relate. I've been meaning to send you this email for a while, and I really have no good excuse for why I haven't. Basically I wanted to tell you this:
I love you. I know that phrase gets tossed around all the time, by people who don't even have the faintest idea what it really means, but I mean it more than anything I've ever said. I really don't know what I would do without you most days; actually, everyday. You always seem to be right there when I'm about to fall apart, even from 300 miles away. I'm serious. There have been so many days these past few weeks where I was about 3 seconds away from throwing my hands up and quitting, and then my phone would ring. And there you were with something encouraging to say...the exact thing I needed to hear at that moment. I don't know how you do it. You get up every day without complaining and take on the world for all of us. You bend over backward to make sure we are happy and I don't wkno how i could ever not seen that or taken it for granted. The only way I can even think about trying to repay you is by raising my future children the same way. Never waivering, always steadfast, always consistent in love. And in the mean time, I'll keep working my tail off to make you proud. You've taught me things most girls never get the chance to know. You've given me strength to face even the worst days. Self esteem enough to share with others. Confidence to take chances and not worry about failing. Faith to know that we serve a God who is bigger than all of this and who loves us even when we falter. You've given me a life that anyone would be jealous to lead, and I'm so sorry if I ever acted as if I didn't appreciate it. I was talking to some lady in the shop the other day, and somehow you came up. I was in the middle of talking her head off when she started to cry. When I asked her what was wrong she said, "Absolutely nothing. It is just so refreshing to see someone so young, so happy, and so proud of her father. Most girls don't get to know what it is like to have that kind of perfect relationship. I know, because I had it with my father, and he passed away last year."
I pretty much started sobbing when she finally left, but it got me thinking about something I'd never even considered after you. It's not something I will dwell on, because I don't feel like crying, but there is something I want you to know for whenever that day does come. You are the best dad any girl could ever ask for...better than any dad I've ever met, or ever will meet. I have no doubt we are still going to have our fights now and then, but I want you to know that you are my hero. I want to be just like you as a leader, as a parent, and as a friend. You're commitment to me as a parent is the greatest gift I will ever receive and I just want to say thank you. You never gave up on me, even when I was the biggest brattiest adolescent, adn stubbornest, most obnoxious, know-it-all teenager. Even when I swore I'd never talk to you again, said I hated you, and acted like you were ruining my life. Turns out you were molding me into the person I am proud to be today. Someone who will be forever grateful for having her daddy, her Palsey, as her best friend. I would hate to think I made it this far in life without telling you exactly what you mean to me. I'm sure I'll send more of these as the years go on, and I learn even more how invaluable our relationship is. i'm just glad I know how lucky I am while I still have it. Thank you for everything.
I love you with all of my heart.




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