Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts & Thanks

I've recently been inspired by my incredibly thoughtful, letter writing, postcard sending Yankee cousin. She will be single handidly responsible for keeping the USPS in business (you're welcome). Kay makes checking my mail fun (on days other than just my birthday) and it's one of the many things that makes her fantastically unique. I try to reciprocate, but let's be honest, I pretty much suck at sending mail. All of that to say this: I'm going to take every Thursday and use it as an opportunity to send little bloggy mini-letters to any and everything. My hope is that this will help me focus on things I'm thankful for, and remind me to take in the little details throughout the week that give my life it's sparkle. I by no means take credit for this idea. There are countless blog themes floating around out there, I just feel like this one will be good for me. Ya dig?

Dear hubs: this morning I was responsible for waking us up to do yoga. I falied. Again. I'm sorry our bed has magic powers that make me sleep like a hibernating bear. Thanks for loving me anyway. Dear mutts: you have not eaten a single pair of my undergarments in almost a week. belly rubs and extra treats are heading your way. Keep it up. Dear 7-11: Two things. First, thanks for the awesome cup of strawberries to go for breakfast. You get 2 points and a unicorn for this. However, I will be deducting 1.8 points for the banana you tricked me into buying. That thing went from bright yellow to brown in turbo mach speed. I don't appreciate banana teases. Dear baby fever: if you could turn it down a notch or two, that would be awesome with a side of cupcakes. Capiche? Dear Uncle: Today you sang "Space Cowboy" while sending a fax; thanks for making work a fun place to be. And if you're taking requests, I'd enjoy hearing your rendition of "Boot Scootin' Boogie"...just sayin'. Dear Pandora: today you played Seconhand Serenade twice in one redcar trip and took me back to college and simpler times. I enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Dear Texas: last night you put on one heck of a sunset. I expect more where that came from throughout the summer. Dear Sonic: your .99 cent Happy Hours are directly responsible for my continued addiction to Dr. Pepper. So. Not. Cool. Dear LOML: thanks for enjoying Kids Club and for being the proverbial light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel to my daily workout. I'd climb mountains for your curls and giggles.



1 comment:

  1. just laughed out loud. i don't appreciate banana teases. but i love you. so much.


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