Dear Hubs: Happy Un-birthday! How does it feel to be old like me?
Dear Uncle: Today you wore a black rubber bracelet that said "No Diggity, No Doubt". You win the awesome accessory of the week award and a pony. Ps. I'm still waiting to hear Boot Scootin' Boogie.
Dear Customers: Your redneckness and politically in-correct behavior make my job more fun than Disney World.
Dear Mutts: Those belly rubs and treats I promised last week aren't happening. 3 pairs of underwear in 2 days?!? UNACCEPTABLE. Tuck your tails and hide.
Dear Redcar: Thanks for being so shiney. Every morning feels like Christmas!
Dear LOML: Thanks for helping Uncle Nate celebrate his birthday. Roman, your awesome dance skills will make you famous one day, I'm sure of it (Yes Jason, dancing, not football. Think MJ, but bigger. Just Sayin').
Dear Mom: I'm so proud of you, for just being you. Wish I could buy you a rainbow that grew Skittles all year long.
Dear Spark: How did I ever live without you? You're like grown-up gasoline.
Dear Sweet Blog Readers: Thank you so much for all of your kind words! Y'all make me melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July. Speaking of,
Dear 4th of July Weekend: You were like an over-the-shoulder-sneak-attack-hug. I didn't even see you coming! Thanks for the surprise 3 day weekend. I'm looking forward to you!
Dear American Soldiers: I'm forever grateful for your selfless sacrifice and the freedom it provides me.
What are y'all thankful for this 4th of July?
bahahaha uncle