...at least as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I'm well aware that the above phrase is usually saved for Christmas time, but I don't care. This month, for me at least, is where it starts. Y'all, I don't really know if I can put into words how excited I get when I wake up on October 1st. Hubs says it's almost like I get a high off of it...and in a way, he's right. This time of year I feel like my brain is flooded with extra happy thoughts and I'm so giddy I can't control myself. Seriously, if they could bottle and market the euphoria in my head, everyone would thank me.
I was trying to explain to someone the other day what it is about "fall" that gets to me. I think it's mostly because SO many amazing things in my life have happened during this season. First and foremost:
Do you see any triple digits in that picture? No? EXACTLY. Y'all, that right there is picture proof that we survived yet another brutal Texas summer. At the first sign of cooler weather, I literally do a happy dance. I think I scared my neighbor the other morning as I twirled all the way to my car. Don't judge me. It's the "kick off" if you will, to what I know will be the best few months of the year.
Even my DOGS love Halloween :) |
I will openly admit that my birthday is also in October, and just like every kid, I grew up believing that, well duh, my birthday "month" is obviously the best. It feels like destiny that I was born the one month of the year where you are encouraged to beg for candy from strangers and everything is "spooky". I seriously had my birthday party at a haunted house every year from 8th grade on. I spent my 17th birthday seeing Texas Chainsaw Massacre with one of my best friends from Kindergarten, Johnathan. He, myself and Michael (hubs' best friend) had "birthday bashes" every year in college because we had consecutive birthdays...which obviously just makes us awesome.

In high school, this month kicked off our much anticipated soccer season. Some of my most favorite memories from that time in my life are from the bus rides to games and on the field (aside from the one where I broke my shin/had multiple surgeries, etc...actually recovering from that injury and scoring a hat trick on the goalie who broke my leg was worth it, so never mind). My current old people co-ed league also plays now, which I love.

And probably, the most amazing thing about this time of the year, is that it marks when I started dating the love of my life. Ten years ago I was just a fifteen year old girl who was gaga over the incredibly gorgeous "new guy" at school. I had no idea what was in store for us, but I never would have imagined we'd come this far. To say I'm the lucky one would be more than an understatement. Our love is as easy as breathing and I'm always humbled when this month rolls around and I take a look back at all we've been through. From first dates to prom, to college and tailgating, to engagement and marriage. SO much of who I am is tied to Nate and I couldn't be more blessed. Thinking about the next ten years, and the ten after that makes me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.
Add Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years to this equation and HELLO, how could I NOT be stupid happy all the time? I wake up in a good mood, and fall asleep with a smile on my face every.single.day.
All of that to say this: You might be completely fed up with my child-like happiness by the time Spring rolls around, so I'm giving you fair warning now.
What about y'all? Any of you have a certain time of the year that makes your happier than a bird with a french fry? If so, leave a comment and tell me about it! Surely I'm not the only one who gets this excited...
Happy Tuesday loves!