Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, Same Love

It's hard for me to believe that this will be the 9th year that Nathan and I have been together. NINE YEARS! That's almost a decade, and practically half of my 23 years of life. We've literally grown up together. I've watched him transform into this amazing man of God, who daily provides for me in ways I could never put into words. He makes me laugh like no one else in this world, and I can't even begin to imagine what I've done to deserve him. I can only pray that these past 8 years have molded me into a woman he is equally proud of. I come into 2010, dedicated to being the best wife I can, and to support him, stand beside him, and love him unconditionally as he leads our new little family. Call it my lifelong resolution.

I'm not one who normally puts stock in new year's resolutions. I always silently pray that God molds me more into the person He has planned, but never go as far as making or setting official goals. However, this is the first time a new year has rolled around and I've been a married woman. So, this year, Nathan and I sat down together and came up with a list of goals to work on together during 2010. Our "finances" were the first on our list, and I can honestly say, so far, so good (and yes, I realize it is only just the beginning of the year, so I'll keep you posted!).
Another thing we have both decided our little family needs to work on is our communication. Yes, even someone like me, who could carry on a conversation with a cardboard box can become lackadaisical about keeping up with people I don't see everyday. We all know this is an issue with Nathan ;) so we decided this would be another great thing for our newborn family to consciously work on during this year.

That's where this blog comes in. As you can see by my archive history, I have been a pitiful blogger at best. I always start these type projects with the best intentions and after a week (or two days in this case) I quit. Not this time. I want to remember these precious first years of our marriage. I'd love to be able to look back at this blog a year from now and see all the adventures we've had, all the struggles we've overcome, and how much we've grown. I also want to be able to share our life with our families, even though we are currently live hundreds of miles away from them. This isn't to say, by any means, that this forum will replace phone calls and personal emails, because it won't. This will just be a fun little window into our world, a place to post pictures and stories, and most importantly to share with you all of the wonderful ways that our Lord continues to bless us.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Here's to a wonderful year!!

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